Jeanne de Roye, lady of Créquy, Ownership Confirmed (1395-1434) by Coat of Arms.
Yoland of Lalaing, lady of Brederode and Vianen, Ownership Confirmed (14??-1497) by Other.
Jeanne de Créquy, lady of Bugnicourt, Ownership Confirmed (1434-14??) by Other.
Cappuyns, D.M. "Le Livre d'heures de Jean IV de Créqui," Scriptorium 4, no. 1 (1950): 82-91.: 82-87
Willard, Charity Cannon. "Patrons at the Burgundian Court: Jean V de Créquy and His Wife, Louise de La Tour," in The Search for a Patron in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. David G. and Rebecca L. Wilkins (Lewiston, KY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1996), 55-62.: 57